Hello there! I’m Francisco

But depending on who you ask I’m also Frank, Pancho, Paco, Paquito, Quico, Fraggy, or Frank the Tank (nobody actually calls me that last one, but you can if you want to)

Whenever I’m not coming up with ideas, and frantically jotting them down before I forget them, you can find me…

  • Thinking nostalgically about events I didn’t actually experience (Majored in History)

  • Shooting events which I will eventually be nostalgic about (Amateur film photographer)

  • Producing the most awful, ear-shattering sounds known to humanity (Likes karaoke)

  • Trying (and failing) to nail that perfect Guinness pour (Not giving up any time soon)

  • Getting my hands dirty and cleaning up after myself (Loves cooking)

  • Buying incredibly overpriced cans of food (Tinned fish aficionado)

Feel free to choose any of my forementioned aliases (or Francisco, that works too!) and let’s chat!