Life is Good.
Find Greatness in the Small Things
(Spec Work)
Nowadays we don’t enjoy the little things, we want it all, and we want it now. We’ve normalized comparing our lives to that of our peers, measuring our happiness with unrealistic scales. We’ve focused on putting together a life worth flexing about, for people who couldn’t care less, that we forget to actually live.
Through its simple philosophy, clothing brand Life is Good invites you to make the most of the journey and find greatness in small things.
Coursera x Life is Good.
Learn to enjoy the little things in Life
In today’s day & age it seems like we take Rihanna’s famous lyrics too literally, we’re all work and no fun. To battle that, Life is Good will partner with Coursera to bring a curated set of courses focused on life’s little joys. From sunset watching, silly dancing, and shower singing 101 to philosophy, photography, and mixology – mastery of any offered course will award a certificate, along with a code for 30% off on your entire purchase from Life is Good.
Life is Good’s Mobile Home of Coffee
Coffee shops used to be small places where one could relax and zone-out, now they’re more “shared office” than anything else. Due to this god-awful deviation in purpose, we introduce Life is Good’s Mobile Home of Coffee. A work-free (Yes, work’s really banned. Yes, there is a sign on the wall.) coffee shop popping up in popular urban locations. Catch up, get to know someone new, daydream – whatever floats your boat, but remember: NO WORK. The shop will be filled with little trinkets, books, and games; perhaps you’ll find your new silly-little-me time hobby.
The 4’8” Giant
Simone Biles is small and full of greatness, she is the most decorated gymnast in Olympic history for a reason, for this reason we will be collaborating with her. For one day, Simone will take over our social media, highlighting the small pleasures that keep her going. Featuring hobbies, anecdotes, tips, and everything in between, Simone will illustrate the importance of mental health and the balance between life & work. Simone will also have her own line of clothing with Life is Good, celebrating her accomplishments, big AND small.
A Good(er) Life
We will be dressing up pups from Humane Societies around the country with Life is Good everything, from nose to tail. We will send tees, harnesses, collars, bandanas, toys, and blankets to these doggies because no one epitomizes finding greatness in small things quite like them. We’ll partner up with Humane Societies throughout the country, to highlight one dog a day on social media. By adopting one of these pets, we will reward you with Life is Good drip, from head to toe, along with pet goodies for their new home.
CW: Francisco Aguilar
AD: Julia Bencomo